Every hour of TV watched by people age 25 or over leads to a 22-minute reduction in life expectancy. That can be translated to five years’ worth if you watch TV six hours a day which some people actually do.

It has been evident since long that the road to better health is to turn off the Idiot box and to get bodily active.


But new researches point out that cutting back on TV time does more than helping you to slip a little bit of exercise. At the same time it is capable of instilling more fruitful years to your life.

Every hour of TV watched by people age 25 or over leads to a 22-minute reduction in life expectancy. That can be translated to five years’ worth if you watch TV six hours a day which some people actually do.Moreover, too much TV is as detrimental to longevity as smoking and lack of exercise, physical inactivity and obesity.

The Daily Mail states that an average Englisher spends four hours a day in front of the TV and Americans spend an average of five hours a day captured by television.

Apart from this, spending just two hours a day in front of the TV can elevate your risk of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease by 20 percent. If you add another hour to your television viewing time it significantly raises your risk of premature death from any cause also.

The problem becomes graver when it comes to our kids.Many kids have TV’s in their bedrooms which supplements the problem. Please remember that TV in the bedroom increases viewing time by nearly nine hours a week on an average spell.The amount of electromagnetic fields they’re exposed to throughout the night also means hazardous implications to the immatured brain of the kid.

The negative impacts of Television on our health can be tabulated as below:

• Cancer

• Heart Ailments

 Alzheimers disease

• Hearing loss

• Attention deficit

• Hormonal disturbances
• Early puberty
• Loss of Vision
• Sleep difficulties
• Increased appetite
• Healing gets delayed

Not to be left out, it affects your brain chemistry also.The longer you watch, the easier your brain slips into a receptive, passive mode, meaning that messages are streamed into your brain without any participation from you. This is reason why the ad films directed at children and teens works so well.

So,keep away from viewing television for longer periods and rather from being a couch-potato ,start being an active macho.

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