Basically, age is an attitude. You can modify your thoughts, emotions and actions when you are older simply by changing how you think, feel and act now. Geriatric experts quote that  staying healthy, fit and active are the keys to successful aging.In short you are just as old as what you think you are.


It is important  to develop and maintain a strong social support network of family, friends and colleagues .


Exercise keeps you fit independent of age. George Burns (who lived to be 100) used to say, “If I knew I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself!” The fact remains that some individuals are blessed with a good genetic backup and hence the unhealthy lifestyle habits they have hardly influences their age.They are sure to hit a century. But for the rest of us whose quality of life catches hold of the aging process, exercise is one of the short-cut key. It ever too late to start.You can start exercising right now and safeguard your body against the bad  effects of aging.


Aging causes decline in muscle mass.From the fourth decade of life, adults lose 3%-5% of muscle mass per decade, and the decline progresses hitting  1%-2% per year after age 50. Muscle keeps us strong, it burns  calories and helps us maintain our weight, and it contributes to homeostasis and bone strength. Loss of muscle mass can tend to retard our mobility and self-dependence.


Muscle mass can increase at any age in response to exercise. In an important study of weight lifting conducted with 100 male and female residents of a nursing home in Boston,the  subjects lifted weights with their legs three times a week for 10 weeks. Mind you they all belonged to the age group of 60-87.At the end of the study, there was an increase in thigh mass of 2.7%, walking speed to 12%, and leg strength  to a roaring 113% ! In a similar study of adults 65-79 years old, subjects who lifted weights three times a week for three months increased their walking endurance  from 25 minutes to 34 minutes(i.e.,a thorough increase of about 38%)  without appreciable increases in mass.


Strength isn’t just a function of mass. It’s also a function of something called “neurological patterning.” Neurological patterning is the process taking place  when the brain sends electrical impulses via the nervous system to muscles to make them contract. The muscles move along with you  once the signal reaches them. Researches prove that muscle patterning improves within days of starting a weight-lifting program  even without any increase in muscle mass.


Tolerance  deteriorates with age. But  when it comes to fitness, walking  can develop tolerance and maintain health. In a recent study involving  more than 3,000  men and women in the age group of 70-79, researchers investigated the relationship between the speed and their risk of premature mortality, cardiovascular disease, and mobility . The results showed that those with the slowest walk times  had a higher risk of death, cardiovascular disease, and strain of mobility  than those who walked faster. In another informative  study among 41,000 men and women it was found out that those  who walked 30 minutes or more per day during the study period had fewer deaths than those who walked less than 30 minutes.Each and every additional minute of walking time was associated with higher degrees of protection.


Flexibility decreses with aging. Functional improvements show off when individuals engage in exercise programs involving stretching. Unfortunately, the studies on flexibility in the aging population aren’t as complete as they are for studies of strength and tolerance, but  studies suggest that significant improvements can occur with regards to the motion of various joints (neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, and ankle) when stretching exercises are being carried out.


Balance declines with aging. The result zeroes in on falling as well.. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in every three Americans above the age of 65 falls each year.When it comes to individuals between 65 and 84 years of age, falls account for 87% of all fractures.It happens to be the the second leading cause of spinal cord and brain injury also. The fact that physical activity can improve balance and reduce the risk of falling happens to be a sought of relief in this episode.


Bone density shrinks down with age.It can also lead to osteoporosis in an unlucky few. Osteoporosis can lead to hip ,vertebral and wrist fractures in the elderly. Exercise can definitely increase bone density in older individuals. The precise amount and type of exercise necessary to reap the desired benefits is under cover but a research establishes that weight lifting can increase bone density in the hip and spine.Walking can also bring about the same effect. The reason can be that weight lifting causes stress on the bones as the muscles contract causing them to thicken and the impact of walking  causes stress on the bones,  initiating their growth.


A large percentage of aging adults are prone to osteoarthritis.A study was conducted among 439 adults in their sixties with osteoarthritis who did either aerobic exercise like walking  or resistance exercise including weight-lifting for 18 months.The results showed that the participants in the aerobic exercise group had a 10% decrease on  physical disability , a 12% lower score on a knee pain  and they outperformed the individuals in the study who did not exercise on the following tests:

1. six-minute walk test;

2.the time it took them to climb and descend stairs;

3.the time it took them to lift and carry 10 pounds;

4. the time it took them to get in and out of a car.

In the weight lifting group, there was an 8% lower score on  physical disability , 8% lower pain score, greater distance on the six-minute walk, and faster times on the lifting and carrying task and the car task than in the individuals in the study who did not exercise.

A combination of aerobic exercise like walking and resistance exercise with small weights (2-5)kg may be the best. It is also important to strain and stretch all the muscle groups and joints.


Control your brain. Dedicate yourself  to learning and growth. A research on lifespan development states that if you continue to use your brain and develop your intellect  and  remain socially connected and active, you can actually increase your intelligence quotient with  age.Exercise research poses a scope of tremendous excitement when it comes to the investigation of cognitive function. Brain neurons, the special cells that help you think, move, perform all the bodily functions that keep you alive, and even help your memory,  increase in number after just a few days or weeks of regular physical activity.


Research proves that as many as 14% males and 18%  females over age 55 are depressed. Documentary testimonials are available for the statement that  exercise can eliminate symptoms of depression in younger adults and even compete with the effects of antidepressant medication or psychotherapy in terms of effectiveness.Anyway, exercise has a mood-elevating effect in most adults regardless of age, even if it’s not the last word  for depression in the elderly.Elderly individuals report to experience a “feel-good” phenomenon after exercise. Be it getting the heart beating or the blood pumping, or stimulation of brain cells, or simply getting out in the fresh air, a good dose of exercise undoubtedly elevates your mood.


The American College of Sports Medicine and American Heart Association published guidelines for physical activity in older adults. This chart shows a summary of the recommendations.


Consult your physician before beginning any kind of exercise program or physical activity.

Don’t try to compensate for years of inactivity overnight. Doing so can be deadly dangerous.. Instead, start slowly and build up gradually. Starting with even five minutes of walking can be advisable.Actually, one recommended plan for getting started is the five-minutes-out, the five-minutes-back plan. Just like it sounds, you walk out for five minutes, turn around, and walk back. You can call it a day. When you feel ambitious, you can do seven and a half or even 10 minutes out and back.Be sure to add some stretching gestures with your body when you hit the finishing line if you prefer to do so.One of the best ways to stay fit and  get motivated is to set goals.


Plan what day(s) of the week, what time of day, minutes of activity, and the activity that you’ll do. Be as specific and realistic as possible.Consistency yof an exercise program is more important than intensity of exercise.. Keep setting and reviewing your goals weekly for at least three months. Incorporating this routine can take you a long way to better health,researchers quote.


Tolerance and aerobic exercises can increase your breathing and heart rate. They improve the health of your heart, lungs, and circulatory system. Having greater tolerance not only helps keep you healthier, it can also improve your stamina for the tasks you need to do, climbing stairs and grocery shopping for example. Tolerance exercises also can  prevent many diseases like diabetes, colon cancer, heart disease, stroke, and others, associated with aging and reduce mortality rates.

Walking, dancing, biking, and swimming are all good options.


Strength and resistance exercises build your muscles.In fact, they do more than just make you stronger. They make you stretch your capability to do things on your own. Even very small increases in muscle can make a big difference in ability especially for the weak. Strength exercises increases your metabolic rate, keeping your weight and blood sugar under control. It becomes significant since obesity and diabetes are major health problems for older adults.Strength exercises also may help prevent osteoporosis,recent studies suggest.


Flexibility exercises maintains the flexibility of your body  by stretching your muscles and the tissues . Certain stretching exercises are now being recommended to help patients recover from injuries and to prevent injuries . Flexibility also may play a part in preventing falls. Yoga and stretching classes are recommended. Yoga can prove to be a great way to relax, improve your flexibility, and maybe even meet some new people! Instructional DVD s, videos, and books are also available.


Balance exercises help prevent falls in adults which is a common problem . Falling is a major cause of broken hips and other injuries that often lead to disability and loss of self dependence.It eventually leads to loss of confidence as well. Do some or all of these exercises every day for best results and have someone standing nearby to support you if you nurse  a doubt of  falling. Some balance exercises help you tone up your leg muscles, such as heel raises and side leg raises.Some others involve  simple activities like briefly standing on one leg or touching your nose in various positions with your eyes closed.


There is no argument for the statement  that exercise is good for you, no matter what your age. Bear it in mind  that it’s never too late to start.just starting to get with exercise can help you to experience the joy and satisfaction of exercise –  Go for it and give it your best try.

If you are female, statistics say you will spend seven to fifteen years or more as a widow, depending upon the age difference between you and your husband.


1.Eat a low-fat, high-fiber diet.

2.Learn to live on fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes as much as possible.

3.Plan a few days a week that include no animal products, not even dairy.

Remember that the industry is interested primarily  in the  making money.Read, study, and form your own opinions about  cholesterol, blood pressure and other life saving drugs   .Your doctor is not a genius. He/she can not possibly keep up with everything and most rely on the pharmaceutical industry for much of their information. It is your responsibility to read, study, and keep up with the truth for yourself.

Aging gracefully means staying active, utilizing coping skills, and maintaining a positive attitude to overcome the challenges we face. Happiness and peace of mind comes from having a positive attitude and working to minimize the negative. As we age, our daily and long term goals change. We become more realistic about ourselves and our physical and mental capacities. Our expectations make happiness and peace of mind achievable.


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