Healthy heart is not a herculean task once you discover the ten secrets inside treasure box of  longevity.And these ten factors if maintained perfectly never fails to  turn into a relentless source of  health.You can use it as an armour against one of the most common killers in the world,viz. heart diseases

. Crowned with success it enables you to live longer,healthier and sustain the best quality of life you have ever imagined.

               Research findings prove that 50 year olds can live 40 years more  without even entertaining the slightest anxiety about their cardiac health.And now it’s time to uncover the golden  ten steps that can provide you a red carpet welcome to the

throne of health:

  1. Stay away from cigarettes.
  2. stay away from sugar .Substitiute sugar with sugar free(sucralose)
  3. stay away from  salt or food which contain too much salt like pickles pappads chips.use LONA salt instead.(less than 1.5 gm /d)
  4. Keep a slender physique.( Body mass index less than 25)
  5.  Get some exercise.( Get two and a half hours of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise each week.) 
  6.  Eat a healthy diet.(fruits ,vegetables, fish, whole grain),limit red meat white rice, oily and fried items.have a lavish breakfast and a small early dinner

        7.Monitor  your cholesterol levels.(  Keep Total cholesterol   less than 200,LDL less than 100,and HDL which is the good cholesterol above 40)

8. Keep blood pressure  in check.( below 120/80.)

9.  BE a weight watcher. weigh yourself every week, so that you will not be caught unaware about a major weight gain.remember the best way to treart weight gain is not to gain it.

10. Get your blood sugar levels monitored periodically(Fasting blood glucose less than 100 and post prandial less than 140mg%

11. eat less, that too mostly plants ,calorie restriction is the secrect to longevity


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